Thursday, August 30, 2012

April 16th, 2012 - Day 16

We went to the pediatrician today which was a huge relief for me. It was a bad day for Isaac and I wanted a doctor to determine whether he was okay...I was overwhelmed with making the call every every morning. I felt like everyday presented more questions. I needed some help with the nausea and the vomiting and lack of eating.

For the past 4-5 days driving in the car was torturous for Isaac because of the nausea. We drove everywhere with windows down and only went somewhere if we absolutely had to. Even still he vomited in the car a total of 3 times. I had the car professionally cleaned.

Isaac was weighed and had lost 2 pounds in a week. Our doc prescribed Zophran. I dropped off the prescription and took Isaac home. He was too sick for me to take back out to pick it up.  I also needed to pick up his sister from school. So I had my sweet neighbor stay with him and love on him until I could get back with the sister and the meds.

Within the hour of taking the Zophran Isaac felt a million times better. He even ate some dinner that night!

Advice: If/when your child gets to the stomach cramping/nausea point of this disease, encourage them to eat tablespoons of food as often as they will take it. We completely gave up on meals and just let him eat crackers or whatever sounded good at the time. He will catch up on his nutrition later.

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