Another rough day. The swelling moved to Isaac's chest and scalp. He didn't even want to lay his head on his pillow as his scalp was so sore. Of course his legs were still swollen and painful as well.
He also vomited.
We went back to the pediatrician and his pee was tested. So far, so good in that area i.e. no major kidney concerns at this point. We are all just on watch. Nothing anyone can do.
Advice: Keep your child well-hydrated. I am a big water drinker and as a result my kids are big drinkers too - especially Isaac who often takes in 36oz a day. Even though he didn't feel like eating he was still drinking well (though on occasion he did vomit was he was drinking). Isaac doesn't like water so he drinks diluted juice. Obviously our kidneys benefit from hydration and I feel certain that one of the main ways Isaac avoided kidney problems was because he remained well-hydrated.
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