It's April Fool's Day - I wish this was all a joke.
At some point in the afternoon I noticed several faint purple, small, "bruises" on Isaac's legs. I didn't really think much of it other than he is an extremely active child. That evening we went out to dinner. Isaac's Nana tied his shoes for him. Isaac likes his shoes tied unhealthily tight...Nana didn't know she was being conned into tying them too tight. Towards the end of dinner Isaac was complaining that his feet were bothering him. This had happened before when his shoes were tied too tight and he literally couldn't walk. So we took his shoes off and later carried him to the car. Around bath time he still couldn't walk. But this wasn't shocking as on a previous occasion when his dad tied his shoes too tight Isaac couldn't walk for almost an entire day. But by bedtime he wouldn't even put weight on his feet and then there were the purple spots. There were a lot more of them. And Isaac's feet and ankles were terribly swollen. I began to panic.
I felt him and he wasn't warm- no temperature. Because he didn't have a temp I didn't feel like I needed to rush him to the ER. Instead I put in a call to our pediatrician and to an ER nurse. Over the next several hours, lots of phone calls, and plenty of time on Google, he was diagnosed with Henoch-Schonlein Purpura. My doc felt we were safe at home for the night. Though terrified, I was thanking God that Leukemia didn't seem to fit the description. I didn't get much sleep.
At this point Isaac wasn't in a lot of pain. Only when he tried to walk...which he wasn't doing.
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